September 10 - World Suicide Prevention Day


[Losing 1 soul, for every 40 second]

😣 About 8 Lakh people die by suicide every year in the World. Of these 1.35 lakh are residents of India.

😣 Tamil Nadu ranks 2nd among the states with majority suicide deaths and Chennai ranks the 1st in cities.

😣 For every 90 minutes a teenager and for every 15 minutes a youth commits suicide in India.

😣 Nearly 28 students and 31 farmers commit suicide each day in India.


🙏🏻Pray for God's encounter in people's life who are in suicidal thoughts and let their souls be saved from destruction.

🙏🏻Pray that the suicidal spirit which deceives the people should be demolished in Jesus name.

🙏🏻Pray that all teens and youths should remember that life is not there own to take and made them realise that suicide is not the solution to problems.

🙏🏻Pray that suicide deaths due to high debt burden, love affair, family dispute, dowry issues, lack of self esteem, exam fear, failure in exam, illness and addictions need to be stopped.

🙏🏻Pray for people in depression, stress, frustration, anxiety should come out of it and lead a successful life.

Atleast Pray for a minute before you say Amen !!!